
Prayer & Study Group

This group held at the chapel every Tuesday night from 7 pm. The evening begins with a prayer, then reading the passage that is being studied.

At the conclusion of the study, they spend time in prayer, praying for those in need in our fellowship, our nation, Israel, our government, and any other needs that are asked to be prayed for on the night.

Sunday School

Sunday School is run every Sunday after the morning tea break catering to children aged 4 - 12 years.

The children get to learn about the Lord through teaching, singing and activities.

Prayer Chain

The prayer chain is run by a group of our church members dedicated to praying for anyone who has a specific or emergency prayer request.

Ladies Coffee Morning

Our ladies coffee mornings are held on the first Tuesday of the month from February through to December.   We begin with morning tea at 10-00am and at 10-30am we introduce our guest speaker.  There are a variety of speakers from services, hobby and informative organisations.  After the speaker we have a devotion, and the morning ends approximately 11-30am.   We are very friendly group of ladies and welcome one and all to come and spend a morning with us''. 

Ladies Missionary Fellowship

The Ladies Missionary Fellowship meet on the last Tuesday afternoon each month. Their aim is to share news of missionaries and their work in distant lands and to support them financially when special needs arise.
They also support the lady responsible for the care and welfare of children in the hostel at CMCT India and sponsor one of the children from the tsunami village.
The ladies also provide garments (knitted or stitched) to assist those working on the front line.


We have a collection of about 1500 items - comprising books, magazines, compact discs and DVD's for both study and recreation. These are available to our people using an honesty system. A laminated card inside the book on the desk explains how to record a loan. Though our collection is reaching capacity, we are always pleased to accept quality study resources and wholesome fiction when these are donated. The library is available whenever the chapel is open.

Youth Outreach Group

Our youth outreach group runs Friday nights in the chapel hall from 6.30 to 8.30pm, catering for ages from intermediate through to high school.

There are games and activities throughout the night, finishing with singing and a devotion.

Other Ministries we Support

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry is a time where various groups from different Christian churches go to teach and encourage the inmates that are either not saved or have been struggling in their walk with the Lord. This is a time of blessing for both giver and receiver.

Joy Ministries - Hawkes bay

Joy Ministries caters for those with an intellectual disability and is held at GNBC once a month from 2pm. Their meetings begin with a worship time, celebrating birthdays and a chance for the group to share what they have been up to. After a time of prayer and a gospel message JM finishes up with a shared afternoon tea.

Mailbox BIBLE CLUB - hawkes bay

The New Zealand Mailbox Bible Club Inc. is a non-profit, non-denominational organisation operated by Christians who volunteer their time and efforts to send out Bible lessons through the mail.