About Us

Who we are

We are a local church founded on New Testament principles. We practice the ordinances of believer's baptism by immersion and the breaking of bread. The work of the church is carried on by its members from all walks of life. Church order is maintained by elders recognizing only the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are not a national or international organization, but missionary work abroad is carried on in fellowship with similar churches all over the world.

We believe;

1. That the Bible is the inspired word of God, it is therefore without error, authoritative (it is God's Command for us to obey). The one and only written and inspired revelation of God and contains all we need to live a godly life.
2 Timothy 3:16 , 2 Peter 1:3-4,  2 Peter 1:21

2. That one God eternally exists in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19,  2 Corinthians 13:14
That at the moment of conversion the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and baptizes them into the Body of Christ. This we believe, is the biblical "Baptism of the Holy Spirit"

3. That Jesus Christ is the only begotten and eternal Son of God, miraculously born of the virgin Mary, and the only one whose life was absolutely sinless.
John 1:1,  Matthew 1:18-23 , 1 John 3:15

4. That man is universally and utterly sinful by nature and by practice, and that it is impossible for him to be saved by his own works or religious observances.
Psalm 51:5, Psalm 58:3-4 ,Ephesians 2: 8-9 ,Titus 3: 5,
Romans 4: 5

5. That on the Cross of Calvary Jesus Christ once for all paid the penalty for sinned was raised again from the dead according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father.
Luke 22: 69, 1 Corinthians 15: 14, Romans 5: 6,8
Ephesian 4:10 , Colossians 3: 1

6. That any person who places their trust upon this finished work of Jesus Christ immediately enters into its benefit to the present and eternal salvation of their soul.
John 19: 30 , John 5: 24,  Hebrews 5: 9 , John 10:28-30

7. That Jesus Christ is coming again for His own, raising those who have died believing in Him, and changing living believers, taking them to be forever with Himself.
1 Thessalonians 4: 14-17, Philippians 3: 20,21

8. That He will be the Judge of those who reject Him as their Lord and Saviour, and that they will receive eternal punishment.
Acts 17: 31,  John 5: 22-25, Revelation 20: 11-15

We believe these things because;
9. We find them to be in accordance with the Scriptures, confirmed not only by passages of which the references have been given but by the whole teaching of the Bible.

10. We have entered, as far as we can, into the practical, personal experience of the truth of these things. Our purpose is;

11. To administer the Word of Truth, God’s Word faithfully to all people.

12. To service one another as Christ came to serve the church and for anyone who is in need and searching for the Truth.

13. To finance those who the Church Elders feel led by the Lord to support in the church, local community, local and overseas mission work.

14. To provide a venue for believers to regularly meet together to remember the Lord and to hold other activities that may or may not provide additional income
as deemed appropriate by the Elders.

15. For Elders are to administer teaching, encouragement, visitation and correction
of church members according to God’s word, to appoint Deacons to oversee to building maintenance, finances and site safety.

16. The Deacon’s role is to oversee the administration of the buildings and grounds maintenance, identifying potential safety hazards and site safety administration, routine fire drill and vehicle safety administration.

Our Leadership

Duncan Lennox


Gordon Little


Dean Rainham


Ted Anderson


John Ogle


Ken Warner


Ian Simonsen


What we believe

1. That the Bible is the inspired word of God, it is therefore without error, authoritative (it is God’s Command for us to obey). The one and only revelation of God and contains all we need to live a godly life.

2 Timothy 3:16 | 2 Peter 1:3-4 | 2 Peter 1:21

2. That one God eternally exists in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That at the moment of conversion the Holy Spirit in dwells every believer that is, baptizes them into the Body of Christ. This is the biblical “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”

Matthew 28:19 | 2 Corinthians 13:14

3. That Jesus Christ is the only begotten and eternal Son of God, miraculously born of the virgin Mary, and the only One whose life was sinless.

John 1:1 | Matthew 1:18-23 | 1 John 3:15

4. That man is universally and utterly sinful by nature and by practice, and that it is impossible for him to be saved by his own works or religious observances.

Psalm 51:5 | Psalm 58:3-4 | Ephesians 2: 8-9 | Titus 3: 5 | Romans 4: 5

5. That on the Cross of Calvary Jesus Christ once for all paid the penalty for sin, and was raised again from the dead according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father.

Luke 22: 69 | 1 Corinthians 15: 14 | Romans 5: 6,8 | Ephesian 4: 10 | Colossians 3: 1

6. That any person who places their trust upon this finished work of Jesus Christ immediately enters into its benefit, the present and eternal salvation of their soul.

John 19: 30 | John 5: 24 | Hebrews 5: 9 | John 10:28-30

7. That Jesus Christ is coming again for His own, raising those who have died believing in Him, and changing living believers, taking them to be forever with Himself.

1 Thessalonians 4: 14-17 | Philippians 3: 20,21

8. That He will be the Judge of those who reject Him as their Lord and Saviour, and that they will receive eternal punishment.

Acts 17: 31 | John 5: 22-25 | Revelation 20: 11-15